When paying for your account via the above link, please note:
- If you are an undergrad or graduate student (besides the MS in Special Ed.), please reach out to Dana Drouin at drouind@easternct.edu to receive a voucher code to cover the cost of your account. Then, select “I wish to register my account with the campus bookstore”
- If you are in the MS in Special Ed. Program, please select the option “I wish to pay by credit card”
If you are having difficulty logging into your PAID Tk20 account, please note: the login is the same used for university email/blackboard. If you have any issues, please email tk20@easternct.edu.
Scroll to bottom of this window and click on Admissions link for CARE Admission application.
For best experience, please use Google Chrome or Apple Safari to access TK20.
For questions regarding this system, please contact your system administrator.
- Administrator: EasternCT Tk20 administrator
- Email: tk20@easternct.edu
- Phone: 860-465-4534